To be frank, periods suck. Okay, they occasionally suck. Typically. Regularly. While there are countless magnificent, empowering aspects of womanhood that accentuate the beautiful might of our shared feminine power, that monthly visit from “Aunt Flo” isn’t really a top contender. It probably doesn’t even graze the Top 100. Or 1000. 

Indeed, between the bloating, the brain fog, the fatigue, and the all-encompassing pain, most women would agree that their cycle is simply a periodic obstacle that they must hurdle. With pockets full of rocks. And two hours of sleep. In the middle of a sweltering summer. But the cherry on top of all these physical symptoms is one pretty significant mental symptom: lower self confidence. 

According to the menstruation masters at Rael, this is completely normal thanks to waning levels of estrogen and, in turn, serotonin. Still, even if your period has you feeling off your game, you always deserve to live life in your beautiful body with confidence and inner strength. Read on for our top ten tips to getting your sexy back and boost your confidence even during that time of the month.

1.  Lean into COMFY (but still stylish) clothes

Sure, there’s something to be said about a good, cushy pair of sweatpants when your uterus is yanking your body’s emergency ripcord. However, here at Skarlett Blue, we’re of the mindset that you should never have to compromise style for comfort. Because when you look your best, you give yourself the chance to feel your best. You’d be surprised what a sleek, sexy lingerie set can do for your self esteem– especially if it’s as comfy as some of the styles we have on our site. Even if you wind up throwing on your softest loungewear on top, just having that little extra something going on underneath is sure to make you feel yourself a bit more.

For a stylish touch with a second-skin feel, try unlined options like the Goddess Bliss Comfort Unlined Bra or the Dare Dot Plunge Unlined Bra. Or, go for a stretchy yet still sexy alternative like the Paradise Busty Bralette or the Spellbound Demi Spacer T-Shirt Bra.

Styles shown (left to right): Paradise Busty Bralette (Black Combo), Dare Dot Plunge Unlined Bra (Dark Flamingo), Goddess Bliss Comfort Unlined Bra (Cashmere), Spellbound Demi Spacer T-Shirt Bra (Leo Leopard)

2.  … and/or dress VIBRANTLY

Adding a pop of vivid color into your wardrobe could be just what you need to shake you out of that period-induced funk and get you feeling like the best version of yourself. Add a bit of lush romance into your life with a powerful red ensemble. Or, channel your inner Barbie (there’s one in all of us– hi, Barbie!) with a touch of hot pink. Whichever hue of the rainbow you pick, we know that bringing this bit of technicolor into your life will remind you that you are, in fact, the main character.

Stumped on where to start? Check out this post to browse through some of the most vibrant styles Skarlett Blue has to offer in rainbow order.

3.  Power up with PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

Getting your blood pumping through daily movement isn’t just the key to getting that strong and toned body that you can be proud of. It’s also a proven method to manage stress and improve mental health. But whether it’s due to endorphins, serotonin, or norepinephrine, choosing to exercise during your period can seriously be that bit of self-care that will have you feeling a bit more confident in no time. Managing to get through a workout– no matter the intensity– during your shark week is certainly a feat worth celebrating. So whether you’re ready for a full-out HIIT workout or whether you opt for a quick hot-girl walk, step into your power and get your body moving for confidence even menstruation can’t shake.

4.  Mind your MENTAL HEALTH

Of course, mindfulness and actively caring for your mental health are always of utmost importance when it comes to living life as the best, most confident version of yourself. This is especially true during your monthly cycle, as fluctuating hormones and physical pain make it difficult to decipher the racing thoughts going through our brains. So, take some time to journal about your feelings, meditate on some of the negative thoughts you may be having about yourself, and counter them with some positive affirmations to remind yourself of your beauty, strength, and worth. Here, I’ll start you off: You are beautiful and capable of self-love. You are powerful and graceful in both your actions and mistakes. You are worthy of the life you want to live.

5.  Let yourself REST

This is your daily reminder that you need rest. And not just the five hours of sleep you manage to get in between the late hours of the night and the time you need to get up in the morning and head out and grace the world with your presence. During your period, prioritizing rest and getting as close to those necessary nine hours of sleep as possible can be just what you need to stop feeling like a shell of yourself and more like the capable, brilliant, leading lady that you are. Because as powerful and diligent as you are, you are still human and need– yes, need– rest. There’s really nothing sexier than self-awareness and self-care. 

6.  TREAT yo’ self  (you deserve it)

You really do. Any self-care during your period is the sure-fire remedy to chasing away period-related blues. And when you’re in a happier state of mind, you’re more likely to be kinder to yourself and grant yourself the grace you may need to find your confidence during this vulnerable time. Whether that means taking yourself out for a little sweet treat, having a relaxing spa day in the comfort of your own home, or even treating yourself to a work-free mental health day, taking care of yourself in these more tangible ways can definitely help you feel more content in your mind and body during that time of the month. 

7.  Find comfort in HOBBIES

It might be easy to forget when your swirling thoughts and swinging hormone levels cloud your brain, but you’re good at things. Moreover, you have activities that you do (and are good at) that spark joy in your life. Turning to these hobbies (no matter how trivial they may seem) when your period is weighing you down can not only be a mood booster, but also a confidence booster. You absolutely slayed that latest watercolor piece, queen! You crushed reading those ten chapters in under an hour. You dominated in the kitchen baking up those life-altering cookies. As in all things, focusing on the good (and what you’re good at) can really never hurt.

8.  Get INTIMATE with your partner… through conversation

You are a strong and capable lady, but there is a certain kind of empowerment that stems from emotional connection and validation. So, during that tumultuous time of the month, try sitting down with your partner and getting completely candid about the thoughts and feelings you may be having– no matter how foolish they may seem to you. Having someone listen and validate your feelings in this intimate way can be the best antidote for an aching soul. And listening to someone who loves you tell you the beautiful truths about yourself that you may not be able to see can undoubtedly help with a waning sense of self-confidence.

9.  Schedule ALONE time

On the other hand, carving out time to converse with yourself is just as significant in getting a better grip of your sense of self and self-confidence during your period. Especially if you regularly find yourself in circumstances that have you surrounded by people. Periods are physically and emotionally draining, so finding the time and silence you need to recharge and really listen to your body can be absolutely beneficial for boosting your self-confidence. YOU are the only one who really knows what you need, so spend that time with yourself to really understand what you’re feeling, why, and how you begin believing in your truly beautiful self.

10.  REMEMBER: periods are natural, powerful, and beautiful– and so are you.

Read it again. Aloud. Now once more for good luck. It’s true. :)

Skarlett Blue