Hello World!
We've been thinking about International Women's Day for a while now. Did you know that on March 8th, you can get 15% off your purchase of $150+?! We rarely do this but hey; seize the day for the ladies #amiright?
Let's dive into the topic at hand though - Women all over the world!
We asked CHATGPT about a few topics and we had thoughts....

1) Why did women burn their bras?
chatgpt: The burning of bras is often associated with the feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s, particularly during the women's liberation movement. However, the literal act of burning bras was not as widespread or symbolic as often portrayed in popular culture.
The phrase "bra-burning" emerged as a metaphor for women's liberation and their rejection of traditional gender roles and societal expectations. It symbolized a broader protest against sexism, inequality, and the objectification of women. Women protested against various issues, including gender discrimination in the workplace, lack of reproductive rights, and unequal pay.
While there were instances of symbolic actions like throwing bras into trash cans or bonfires during protests, the notion of widespread bra-burning is largely a myth. It's essential to recognize that the women's liberation movement was multifaceted and encompassed various forms of activism, including protests, consciousness-raising groups, and legal challenges, all aimed at achieving gender equality.
Well, it has been about 50 years and seems like we are making headway, but we can't stop! Check out National Organization for Women (now.org) and see how you can make a difference!

2) Why were bras invented?
chatgpt: Bras were invented to provide support and shaping for women's breasts. Before the invention of bras, women primarily wore corsets or bustiers to achieve a desired shape and support their chests. However, these garments were often uncomfortable, restrictive, and could even cause health issues such as difficulty breathing and internal organ compression.
The bra as we know it today evolved as a more comfortable alternative to the corset. The early prototypes of bras started appearing in the late 19th century and gained popularity in the early 20th century. These early bras were often made of cotton or silk with straps over the shoulders and were designed to provide support and modesty while allowing greater freedom of movement compared to corsets.
The modern bra, as we know it, has evolved over time, and its invention cannot be attributed to a single individual. However, one significant figure associated with the early development of the bra is Mary Phelps Jacob, who received a patent for a "Backless Brassiere" in 1914.
Mary Phelps Jacob, an American socialite, created the bra out of necessity when she found that the traditional corsets of the time were unsuitable for wearing with a particular evening gown. Her innovative design consisted of two handkerchiefs sewn together with ribbon and cord, providing support and shaping without the constraints of a corset.
While Jacob's invention was not the first attempt at creating a bra-like garment, her patent and subsequent commercialization of the design contributed to the popularization of the modern bra. Over time, other inventors and designers further refined and developed the bra into the diverse range of styles and functions we have today.
OK MARY! We had no idea she was a pioneer in the intimates' world. Bras today truly have a dual purpose. No longer just for support, bras give you confidence to conquer your day, add a personal flair to your own style, and now as a fashion piece of your wardrobe - hello the bustier/corset trend!
And did you know the average American bra size is a 34DD and if 80% of women are wearing the wrong size, we can confidently say the average size is more likely a 34G. Be sure to get fit this month!

3) How can we be a feminist? Being female just isn't enough and not a pass.
chatgpt: Being a feminist involves advocating for gender equality and working towards dismantling systems of oppression and discrimination based on gender. Here are some ways to be a feminist:
1. Educate yourself: Learn about the history of feminism, different feminist movements, and key feminist theories. Understand the intersectionality of feminism and how it intersects with other forms of oppression such as race, class, sexuality, and ability.
2. Listen to marginalized voices: Amplify the voices of marginalized women and non-binary individuals. Listen to their experiences and perspectives, and work to uplift their voices in conversations and spaces where they may be marginalized or silenced.
3. Challenge gender stereotypes: Question and challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes that reinforce inequality and limit individuals' potential based on their gender. Encourage diverse representations of gender in media, culture, and society.
4. Support women's rights: Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote gender equality, such as equal pay, reproductive rights, and access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.
5. Speak out against sexism and discrimination: Call out sexism, misogyny, and discrimination when you encounter it, whether it's in personal interactions, the workplace, or broader societal contexts. Use your privilege and platform to challenge oppressive attitudes and behaviors.
6. Engage in activism: Get involved in feminist activism and advocacy efforts, whether it's through volunteering, attending protests and rallies, signing petitions, or supporting feminist organizations and campaigns.
7. Practice intersectional feminism: Recognize that feminism must be intersectional, meaning it addresses the intersecting forms of oppression that individuals face based on their race, class, sexuality, ability, and other identities. Work to center the experiences and needs of marginalized communities within feminist movements.
8. Support other feminists: Build solidarity with other feminists and work collaboratively towards common goals. Listen to and learn from each other and recognize that there are many different ways to be a feminist.
Remember that being a feminist is an ongoing process of learning, unlearning, and taking action to create a more just and equitable world for all genders.

Finally, want to learn more about reproductive rights and the history of abortion?
The A Files - The A Files (wearethemeteor.com)
Global Fund for Women | Support Gender Equality
Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity is what makes International Women's Day impactful. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights." So, make International Women's Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.
Don't forget, we are in this together.

Skarlett Blue